Torino FC himn (inno Torino), The Turin Derby, Curva Maratona, Stadio Olimpico, Turin, Italy, Europe

Описание к видео Torino FC himn (inno Torino), The Turin Derby, Curva Maratona, Stadio Olimpico, Turin, Italy, Europe

Curva Maratona is the name traditionally given to the hottest curve of the Turin team's fans. The name has been attributed to the presence, in the Turin Municipal Stadium, in the area behind the curve itself, of a piezometric tower called "Maratona Tower", 42 meters high and symbolizing the spirit of competition and sacrifice of the athletes, in the near which opened the entrance reserved for athletes participating in the athletic competition of the same name. With the abandonment of the Municipal and the passage of the team to the stadium of the Alps, the supporters and organized groups of the Marathon curve placed themselves in the "North" curve, in particular in the second ring of the same, preserving the name of Curva Marathon. Starting from the 2006-2007 football championship, Torino returned to playing at the old Municipal one, restructured on the occasion of the XX Olympic Winter Games and renamed the Olympic Stadium, so that the "hottest" supporters regained their "historical" curve. The Curve Marathon is in fact the true beating heart of typhus grenade, incessant support for the team and exponent of the "moods" of the fans (the many disputes, over the decades, to various leaderships and players guilty of poor attachment to social colors remain known. During the 1998-1999 championship the then president Massimo Vidulich therefore withdrew the No. 12 jersey, assigning it symbolically to the Marathon, considered to all intents and purposes the twelfth man in the field of the "Taurus". The more moderate typhus grenade tends to come together instead in the opposite curve traditionally called "Curva Filadelfia" given its proximity to the street of the same name and renamed from 2005-2006 "Curva Primavera" (in honor of the youth granata); this name has been preserved even now that Turin is playing again at the Olimpico Grande Torino. In 1997, the Marathon was awarded by the French sports weekly Onze as the best organized fan of Europe; recognition that followed the one received in the mid-eighties, when a poll among supporters from all over Italy promoted by Domenica Sportiva crowned the Marathon as the most beautiful curve in the championship.


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