Causes of greying of hair in early teens and how to manage it - Dr. Rasya Dixit

Описание к видео Causes of greying of hair in early teens and how to manage it - Dr. Rasya Dixit

A lot of parents are worried about their young teenagers or young adults who are now developing a very common and disturbing problem, they are going prematurely grey.
So, this is something seen increasingly on the rise in our cosmopolitan population.
The primary causes are
(i) heredity - could be your father or mother strated greying before 40s, but you could start greying when you're in your early 20s or 30s.
(ii) dietary deficiencies - B12 deficiency can cause greying, so if you're a vegetarian, make sure your B12 levels are tested, if they are low, they need to be supplemented.
(iii) Thyroid Problems - This is a very common disorder underdiagnosed, today we screen all children for this disorder. Not only prevent premature greying of hair, also the other symptoms associated with Thyroid.
(iv) Stress, Packed Food - more and more, stress itself is seen as a big phenomenon, pollution, amount of plastic foods taken, re-heating in plastic can cause to leading as well.

Make sure that your food is getting cooked in good quality utensils and avoid using plastic to reheat the food.
Instead, use a ceramic or a glass based utensil for reheating.
Avoid eating junk food, which increases the intuition. Also, can help in reversing little bit of the greying.
For people under 20, new molecules are available which are basically serums can be applied, and prevents further greying and also helps in reversing.


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