Ridge Racer (PS1)

Описание к видео Ridge Racer (PS1)

This video was captured using the actual game on an actual Sony Playstation.

To me, this game is a lot more than Ridge Racer. This was the first game I ever played on the Playstation. I remember thinking that it was weird that Sony was entering the gaming industry when all they were was just a consumer electronics manufacturer and had no background in gaming. My brother came home with a Playstation to try out since he worked at a computer software store and along with Ridge Racer. Naturally I was blown away by the Playstation startup screen, but when the game loaded up, I was entranced by the beauty of the visuals, sound, and gameplay. At that time I had never even played the arcade version. I didn't have to. It was simply an unforgettable experience. So unforgettable that I after I had played Ridge Racer for the short time my brother was allowed to check it out, I couldn't get excited about anything else and dreamed about playing Ridge Racer again. About a month after launch I went in half way with my brother to get a Playstation and Ridge Racer. I have been a fan of the first Playstation ever since.


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