Kim Jiseok & Park Kyung Celeb Bros EP3 "Idol's Taboo“

Описание к видео Kim Jiseok & Park Kyung Celeb Bros EP3 "Idol's Taboo“

The top & smart celebs' personal meeting is captured exclusively by Celeb Bros?!
The actor Kim Ji-Seok & K-pop idol 'Block B' Park Kyung!
Exclusively revealed the hang out of Kim Ji-Seok & Park Kyung, Up close personal~
How would the smart boys will hang out?!
"Korean Wave (Hallyu) Idol's Short crash selfie lecture"
With Park Kyung, old style SNS becomes rejuvenated~
Dull selfies reborn as the best photos again,,,!
"Break the idol's contraindication!"
Which contraindication does Park Kyung break?!
Besties' hang out program Celeb Bros!
Don't miss the newest episode in Navercast on every Tuesday!

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