Shangri La Guangzhou Buffet Wok Too🥟 广州香拉拉自助餐

Описание к видео Shangri La Guangzhou Buffet Wok Too🥟 广州香拉拉自助餐

I was recently invited to join a celebration dinner at the Shangri La Hotel, I'm not a huge fan of buffet-style eating, but in this case, I got to try a lot of interesting food. I failed to capture some yummy things because I devoured them too fast. It was a fun and luxurious experience, and now I want to go to brunch at the GZ Ritz Carlton and other glitzy hotels around town. #shangrala #guangzhou #food #travel #adventure #durian #fruittea #buffet #lounge #woktoo #china #informationtechnology #edtechgz


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