Kobo 101 -- How to Export Kobo Highlights (Exclusive)

Описание к видео Kobo 101 -- How to Export Kobo Highlights (Exclusive)

Step 1. Plug the Kobo eReader to computer.
Step 2. Find the file Kobo eReader.conf(located in the .../.kobo/Kobo/directory).
Step 3. Right-click on the Kobo eReader.config file and choose to open it with a basic text-editing program(Notepad++, Sublime)
Add the following codes into this file

And save it as .conf file.
Step 4. Eject the Kobo ereader from the computer.
Step 5. Long press a kobo book and "Export highlights".
Note: This only supports for exporting highlights book by book. Batch-exporting is now allowed.


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