Death in Paradise

Описание к видео Death in Paradise

Death in Paradise!

This is the first video in my new series aimed at bringing well deserved attention to movies and TV shows from around the world (from the perspective of some one in America)

This is a fantastic BBC show about a small police department on the Caribbean island of San Marie. Light hearted, chill vibes, and great story telling. Highly worth a watch!

you can currently stream this show on Amazon Prime through Brit Box, or on Pluto TV.


-These are all just my opinions based on how I perceive things, past life experiences, preferences, humors ect. You will most likely disagree with me on a few or even all of these points and that is ok, it’s a good thing, because we are all individuals who come to our own conclusions.

-Always do your own research before watching something based on my recommendation to be sure it is something you are comfortable with.

-lastly, I am only human, I make mistakes, get confused and miss things all the time… we all do…so be kind :)


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