#14 Learn Nepali for Beginners | Wh- Questions in Nepali | Interrogative Sentences

Описание к видео #14 Learn Nepali for Beginners | Wh- Questions in Nepali | Interrogative Sentences

Master different Wh-questions in Nepali.
Different foreigners feel difficult to ask questions when they speak to Nepalese people. So,this video is about how to ask questions using Wh-questions and other question word. Some question word such as "How" needs specific structure. This video will help you to master structure as well as use different Wh-questions in interrogative sentences.

🔀 If you are troubled by हो and छु then clear you doubt watching the video:    • #11 Learn Nepali for Beginners | Pron...  

🔀I have a series of Nepali language tutorial from the basic and that is for free. You might want to check the playlist:
   / @learnnepaliwithbarsha  

***Also its better if you make a note of all my classes****

NEPALI LEARNING BOOK : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6ReEo
NEPALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7cLS4
NEPALI DICTIONARY (SABDAKOSH) : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7cKjE

Akbar Birbal 1: https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7oXpE
Akbar Birbal 2: https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6ZZxI
Dunga Chalyo : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_69MTa
Uttamjung Sijapatiko Aaloo : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6ZnZm
Nunko Sojho : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6Z764
Baagh, Kharayo ra Dhobi: https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7oRNE
Kaafal Paakyo : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6Z6Eg

🔀Learn Nepali in Mobile App : https://ling-app.com/ling-affilate/?r...

🎙 Mic : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6QosU
🎥 Studio Camera: https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7CkZS
🥢 Tripod: https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7ksiU
💻 Laptop : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_6Qnt2
Ring Light : https://click.daraz.com.np/e/_7cM1W

⚠️ Note: There is no standard Roman Nepali so the above given Roman Nepali in the video can be used for speaking purpose only.

Thank you for watching this video.

🔴UDEMY to learn spoken Nepali Quickly:

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#WhQuestionsinNepali #InterrogativeSentences #LearnNepali


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