Abstract: Today, nanomaterials and particularly engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) of wide-ranging chemistries and physical behaviour are routinely prepared and their unique and advantageous properties are frequently used in industrial, commercial and medical sectors. Nanoscience and nanotechnology already influenced deeply also the field of analytical chemistry of conventional as well as new analytes [1]. The demands on analytical information from nanotechnology and nanoscience about ENMs, e.g. by the Uniform Description System for Materials on the Nanoscale, Version 2.0 (CODATA), the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging), have led to the emergence of a specialist field which involves analytical chemistry in a large extent, but is highly interdisciplinary at the same time. Together with physical and physico-chemical characterization of shape, size, and structure nanoparticles, analytical chemistry considers isolation/purification and detection-identification/ quantification/ spatial composition characterization of pristine nanomaterials, special nanotechnology products, and complex matrices of environmental, biological, food and cosmetics samples. Nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, etc. have enlarged significantly techniques of separation and sensitive detection in spectrometry, electroanalysis, bioanalytical assays, immunochemical methods, construction of biosensors and other devices [2]. New concepts and terms such as Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanoanalytics, to Analytical Nanometrology have appeared dealing with different aspects of characterization of the nanomaterials and the analysis of samples that contain nanomaterials [3]. Paralelly with the rapid development and numerous applications of ENMs, their impact on environmental health and safety is widely considered. Activities regarding safety and health protection as well as corresponding standards and analytical methods are covered by number of large organizations in US, UK, EU, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and others. There is also a large international multilateral cooperation regarding research programmes devoted to specific properties of nanomaterials and associated effects. A necessity of platform for the investigation of biophysicochemical interactions at the nano/bio interface is generally considered. Conventional methods like the comet assay, gel electrophoresis assay, also proteomics and metabolomics approaches and computational methods are developed for this purpose. In our laboratory, the in vitro approach has been developed for screening of nanoparticles (NPs) based on their effects towards the surface attached DNA as a model of structures found in vivo. For this purpose, electrochemical and electrical DNA-based biosensors are developed and used to detect mutual interactions and the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) playing a role in oxidative damage to cells and biomolecules structures. Degradation of single and double stranded DNA has been found and analysed [4,5]. The results will be presented and discussed.
Keywords: Nanoobjects, analytical chemistry, DNA-based biosensors.
Full Article: https://www.proceedings.iaamonline.or...
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