The History of a Wind Tunnel

Описание к видео The History of a Wind Tunnel

This film describes the NASA Lewis Research Center's Altitude Wind Tunnel (AWT). It provides background information on the center's past twenty years of research on reciprocating engines, turbojets, and alternative propulsion. Drawings are used to explain how the tunnel was able to simulate altitude conditions. The AWT research on the B-29's Wright R-3350 engines, the Airacomet and Shooting Star early turbojets, jet engine flameouts, and the reduction of the tunnel test section to increase speeds are explained. The film also describes the founding of NASA in 1958 and the ensuing focus on space research. This included the use of the AWT for astronaut MASTIF training and Mercury capsule separation tests. The film includes footage of many of the tests, aerial views of the lab and the AWT, and construction of the tunnel. “History of a Wind Tunnel” was created just prior to the conversion of the facility into the Space Power Chambers in 1962.


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