Subhendu Panigrahi | Co-Founder and CEO, Skillenza | FallFest 2020

Описание к видео Subhendu Panigrahi | Co-Founder and CEO, Skillenza | FallFest 2020

Subhendu, also known as chalta firta or perambulating LinkedIn, is an active community leader of the Bangalore Startup ecosystem.
He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Skillenza, a full-stack talent engagement platform that enables companies to engage and hire talent through challenges and hackathons. Subhendu has graduated from IIT Kharagpur and was pivotal in setting up the startup culture in and across the campus.
Apart from Skillenza, he also leads India's largest online startups community called the Bangalore Startups. A food engineer by education and a foodie by passion, Subhendu always helps startups through various activities.
He started the initiative Reverse Pitch for the first time in India, which is a platform for VCs and investors to pitch to entrepreneurs.
He is a TEDx speaker and frequently talks at events to inspire the younger generation of entrepreneurs. Subhendu was also a CNBC Young Turks -2015.


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