A drive through the SNOW CORRIDOR. aka "Yuki-no-otani", Murodo.Japan Alps. 2015

Описание к видео A drive through the SNOW CORRIDOR. aka "Yuki-no-otani", Murodo.Japan Alps. 2015

28th April 2015
The snow wall as seen from the bus travelling fromBijodaira to Murodo.

Snow Corridor Walk, Tateyama
Huge snow walls are formed each
spring on both sides of the road after
snow is cleared for the opening of the
Alpine Route.
The awe-inspiring snow walls can
reach a height of up to 20m! One
side of the road is designated for
pedestrians, allowing you to walk
between the walls of snow.

In 2015, the entire route is open from April 16 to November 30.


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