Library Tips and Tricks Live Webinar

Описание к видео Library Tips and Tricks Live Webinar

Table of Contents
4:20 Advanced searching techniques
4:54 Bypass the “search all databases” box
5:31 Initial search example
6:30 Use of *
7:23 Use of OR
9:00 Use of NOT
10:30 Limiter dropdown menus on search boxes
10:50 Date limiter
12:20 Keep an open mind when researching, let the research guide you.
13:06 Use of “ “ quotation marks
16:07 NOT this OR that
16:37 Peer reviewed limiter
18:11 Limit to magazines
19:24 Limit to eBooks
20:00 Limit to a specific publication
21:27 Q & A session number 1
22:18 Student question - Can I use multiple NOT boxes?
24:23 Student question – Do students have access to individual journal subscriptions?
26:07 Searching for a particular title in our databases
26:50 Student question – What an article that is supposed to open isn’t actually open to me?
28:18 Interlibrary loan quick discussion
29:14 Student question – What if an article asks me to pay to access it?
31:29 The “search all databases” box isn’t always the best place to start.
32:11 Search an individual database
32:29 Search an eBook database
37:56 Navigate databases by subject
38:20 Opposing Viewpoints database
40:58 Find company profile reports in Business Source Complete.
44:17 U.S. History in Context database
45:53 Find legal cases in Nexis Uni
47:05 Q & A session number 2
47:36 Student question – Is there a good way to skim read an article?
49:40 Using folders in databases
53:04 How to read peer reviewed articles
53:41 Student question – How do I find information on crime scene investigation?
56:27 Student question – What are primary sources and how do I find them?
1:01:19 Full text finder
1:03:15 Research guides
1:05:15 “But I’ve already outlined my whole paper, I just need to find some research back it all up.
1:06:18 Don’t search for your paper, you write your paper.
1:07:26 Interlibrary loan
1:08:38 APA quick guides on the Library Handouts page
1:09:19 A cat joins the meeting
1:09:44 Book an individual research session with me
1:10:30 APA citation of database articles
1:12:34 Buy an APA manual
1:14:08 Google Advanced Searching tricks
1:19:44 Student question – Where can I buy an APA manual?


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