Transformer Oil Moisture Test - Oil Moisture Meter TOR-1

Описание к видео Transformer Oil Moisture Test - Oil Moisture Meter TOR-1

More details - In this video we are looking at the transformer oil moisture test with oil moisture meter TOR-1.

the methods of oil analysis in a laboratory environment are time-consuming, difficult to perform, and require increased safety measures.

Instruments for working near transformers are bulky, and some of them are outdated. Without timely and accurate information about the condition of insulating oil, it will be impossible to guarantee the reliability of high-voltage equipment. This requires compact, accurate, fast-response, reliable, and easy-to-operate instruments.

Now, look at TOR-1 instrument. It is designed to detect the mass fraction of moisture in insulating oils even in small amounts. In addition to the absolute moisture content in ppm, the instrument also measures the temperature of oil. Measurement accuracy and stability are achieved using a capacitance sensor insensitive to contaminants that may be contained in insulating oil.
TOR-1 is easy to carry and transport due to its compactness: its height does not exceed 38 centimeters, and its length and width are 18 centimeters.
The instrument design is simple, and its operation requires no highly qualified servicing personnel. After pressing the button to start measurements, the indicators show the values of moisture content and temperature. A more accurate result is available in ten minutes. After that, you can start testing the next sample of oil.

The protection class of the instrument allows testing the insulating oil near transformers in any weather, and the sensor operates at an ambient temperature of -40 to +60 degrees Celsius.

Reliability of operation is achieved through the use of metal vandal-resistant buttons, metal protection of the sensitive element, a stabilized power supply, and an integrated protection of electrical equipment.

Therefore, TOR-1 instrument saves time and reduces the labor intensity of measurements under any operating conditions. It can be used both on a standalone basis and as part of mobile laboratories for online analysis of oil in the field.

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