F-19 Stealth Fighter (Libya strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Описание к видео F-19 Stealth Fighter (Libya strike mission - cold war - elite opponents)

Mission 89, primary is a strike on a camp with a time limit, secondary is photo recon of another camp. Getting to the primary is going to be tricky. The time limit means running at low altitude but fast and there's no direct route as any course has to wind through mountains.

We get tagged by a fighter patrol and SAM radar, tracked and fired upon. Nothing too serious though, as any missiles are evaded. At the primary, Mavericks are not the weapon of choice and both are ineffective. In the end strafing with the cannon destroys the primary.

Heading north to the secondary, low and slow, it is a photo recon which goes off ok, although the course heads over enemy activity so a lot of SA-14's are fired. Continue north to the carrier, get tagged by the Benghazi SAM radar and tracked again.

The mission has been high speed, low altitude, lots of detections and id's and to get to the carrier the fuel has to be managed. Run a little quicker to the carrier and a successful landing. Mission accomplished!


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