11 Most Interesting and Useless Facts About Space

Описание к видео 11 Most Interesting and Useless Facts About Space

The Universe is so vast and complex that we still haven't discovered everything there is to know about the space. But what we have discovered so far is really amazing!

We frequently refer to our expanding world with one word: space. But, more importantly, where does space begin, and what exactly is it?

Space is a near-perfect vacuum, devoid of substance and shallow pressure. Sound does not travel over space because there are no molecules near enough to transmit sound between them.

Today we step into a vast expanse of useless… yes, USELESS! Facts that can seem like surprisingly new information about this vast and strange place that holds so many secrets just as much its crazy wide size.

Space is one of the most fascinating topics out there. But how much do you really know about it?


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