(23 Oct 1995) Eng/Span/Nat

Cuban President Fidel Castro received a rapturous welcome on his return to the mostly black and Hispanic neighbourhood of Harlem in New York.

He first stayed there in 1960, and made political mileage out of his exclusion from a dinner hosted by U-S President Bill Clinton by revisiting the area.

Castro is in New York for the U-N's 50th anniversary celebrations.

Swapping the business suit for his trademark combat fatigues, a defiant Fidel Castro returned to Harlem and a loud welcome.

While other world leaders were attending a special dinner hosted by U-S President Bill Clinton as part of the U-N's 50th anniversary celebrations, Castro was making a huge hit with Harlem's residents.

He was visiting the Abyssinian Baptist Church which was packed out with 12-hundred wildly cheering fans.

This is the second time they have embraced him as one of their own, - he first stayed In Harlem in 1960.

He explained why he had donned his familiar green uniform after days of wearing his charcoal grey suit to other U-N functions.

You know I did not study the career of looking like a gentleman in a business suit. I only had to do it, and I did not study to be a politician, I had to learn the trade along the way. And the interesting thing is that we waged a battle and we won.
SUPER CAPTION:Fidel Castro, Cuban President

In 1960, Castro had only been in power for a year, and came to stay in Harlem after he and his entourage were forced to leave their Manhattan hotel because of complaints about their behaviour.

Then as now, Harlem gave him a warm welcome which was in sharp contrast to anti-Communist sentiments he encountered elsewhere in New York.

I mean those were unforgettable days for me, the days when I came to the Theresa hotel many years ago. There was such hostility, there was such a campaign against our country. I went past one area and they did like this. (gestures 'thumbs down' sign ) I didn't know what they meant by that. But I could imagine that something was wrong. But everything changed when I came to Harlem. In Harlem you did this. (gestures 'thumbs up' sign)
SUPER CAPTION: Fidel Castro, Cuban President

The standing ovation he received for these comments was just one of many throughout his address.

In full flow, he then turned his attention to the U-N, and taunted them for the way they claimed credit for solving conflicts.

We have heard a great many number of speeches, people spoke about independence, they applauded the independence of the African countries. It would seem that this was the work and miracle of the United Nations. There were talks about the end of apartheid, like the work and miracle of the United Nations. There was no mention about one Cuban , of the many Cubans who died there. The name of Cuba was not even mentioned. So look how sometimes people intend to write history forgetting reality.
SUPER CAPTION: Fidel Castro, Cuban President

As leader of the only Communist country in the western hemisphere who wasn't invited to the presidential gala dinner, Castro still made sure that he had a night out to remember.

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