HANetf - GOLD via a GPW listed ETC

Описание к видео HANetf - GOLD via a GPW listed ETC

The Outlook for Gold

A look at the role of Gold as a 'safe haven' asset in a diversified portfolio, and how it could be positioned to benefit from increased central bank buying and a lower interest rate environment as we head into 2024

The First GPW-listed Gold ETC

An introduction to the first Gold ETC to be listed on GPW Main Market, providing Polish investors greater accessibility to a physically-backed Gold product

Responsibly Sourced and Recycled Gold

How investors can improve the environmental impact of their Gold allocation, via an ETC developed in partnership with The Royal Mint and backed by responsibly-sourced and recycled Gold bars

The Importance of Gold Custody and Physical Delivery

The benefit of Gold custodied with a European sovereign mint and outside of the financial system, as well as the unique nature of an ETC that allows for physical delivery of the underlying Gold


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