Testing 002: Full test of wootz blade with no phosphorus

Описание к видео Testing 002: Full test of wootz blade with no phosphorus

This wootz blade is almost exactly the same chemistry as that seen in "Testing 001" except that it has only background levels of phosphorus. By this I mean that I did not add phosphorus, so it only has the level seen as a background in essentially all ferrous alloys. This difference in phosphorus level does not manifest until the bending test, where this blade clearly outperforms the higher-P blade.

The chemistry of this wootz has slightly higher levels of vanadium and manganese than were average in historical blades, while its levels of most other alloys and impurities is at or below the average for historical blades. It definitely still falls within the historical range for wootz blades, but I have adjusted the alloy levels within that range to get what I think would have been an optimum mix. By modern standards all of the alloy levels are extremely low.


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