IATVHSS Weldon September 21st 2024

Описание к видео IATVHSS Weldon September 21st 2024

Round 5 of IATVHSS at Weldon, Iowa. Weather was good, around 75 with overcast and a very small amount of rain over the course of the race. This was a new track that had some jumps and a small "race track " section mixed into it for some extra fun. Was a good mix of speedy sections and slow sections with quite a few ditch and creek crossings.

Started off with a 2nd on the hole shot and quickly moved into first after the leader blew a corner and got sucked into some soft silty sand on the outside of the corner. Led for most of the first lap then got turned around and went the wrong way at an open section and after I realized I was going the wrong way I had to turn around and make up the lost time. Caught what I think was 2nd and 3rd and followed them for a while until I got past them.

Made up some more time and caught what I think was 1st. Stayed on his tail for a bit then went to take the trail (hill) ( 38:10) I went up the first lap and didn't see it was blocked off until I got to the top. Realized I went the wrong way but couldn't remember where we went on the first the lap so I just went straight (should have turned right and down the hill) and jumped back onto the trail and started following the arrows since there was dust in front of me and just decided to take my chances and keep going.

Ended up being in first from that and led the rest of the race and got caught by 2nd towards the end and let him by with a guy from another class and after I saw he was from my class I just stayed on his tail until the finish.

I also helped a kid that killed his quad on a hill ( 47:00 ) and almost flipped it over on himself when he tried going up it without a run up and wheelied to the top and put it on the grab bar. Rode up the hill beside him and helped put it back on all four before anything else happened.

I technically finished 2nd but after they adjusted my position from the cut I got docked to 8th. I went back through this footage and found I cut about 2 minutes from that lap time because of that so I can't really complain since that made that lap on pace with an A or AA rider.

All in all it was a decent day. Didn't wreck, didn't break anything and I'm still 3rd in points so I'll just take that as a hard lesson and move on. Last round is Murray in a couple weeks so looking forward to finishing out the series strong.


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