Yet Another Birthday in Prison: In Solidarity with Khurram Parvez

Описание к видео Yet Another Birthday in Prison: In Solidarity with Khurram Parvez

Khurram Parvez, a prominent Kashmiri human rights defender, is the founder of the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS). He has played a crucial role in documenting and exposing human rights violations in Indian-administered Kashmir. Despite being internationally recognized for his work, including being a laureate of the 2023 Martin Ennals Award, Khurram has faced significant personal costs, including arrests in 2016 and 2021. He has been in pre-trial detention for over two years, accused of terrorism-related charges in reprisals for his human rights advocacy.
Khurram’s ongoing detention highlights the severe restrictions on civil liberties in Kashmir and reflects the broader strategy to suppress dissent and visibility of human rights violations in the region. This webinar, organised by FORUM-ASIA, The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD), Martin Ennals Awards, CIVICUS, Front Line Defenders, The Observatory, OMCT, FIDH and Kashmir Law and Justice Project aims to raise awareness about his arbitrary and prolonged detention, highlight his contributions to the human rights movement, and rally support for his immediate and unconditional release.


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