Op-Ed: Ending Cash Bail Reduces Crime and Ensures Justice | NowThis

Описание к видео Op-Ed: Ending Cash Bail Reduces Crime and Ensures Justice | NowThis

The group that fought to end cash bail in NY says these reforms are not only just—they will help reduce crime.
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The media wants you to be very scared of a landmark law
that is reducing mass incarceration.

In US news and current events today, in Jan 2020, New York
State ended cash bail for most non-violent offenses. Cash bail had allowed people to be locked up for months or years without ever having been convicted of a crime, simply because they were too poor to pay bail.

Opponents of cash bail claim it will lead to higher crime rates but crime rates in NYC dropped by 82% in the past 3 decades.

Bail reform advocates point to Kalief Browder, a New York teen who was jailed for 3 years without being convicted of a crime because he couldn’t afford his $3,000 bond. Browder later committed suicide.

Right-wing media is using the threat of ‘rising crime’ to scare people out of bail reform. On Jan 1, 2020, New York State eliminated cash bail for most misdemeanors and nonviolent offenses. Supporters of the law argue that cash bail in New York and around the country criminalizes poverty, coerces guilty pleas, and increases the rate of wrongful convictions.

Supports of the bail reform pointed to the story of ≈ an NYC teenager who was jailed at Rikers for 3 years without ever being convicted of a crime because he couldn’t afford his $3,000 bond. Browder later committed suicide.

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