Heart-to-Heart: Our Next Generation | Ep. 2

Описание к видео Heart-to-Heart: Our Next Generation | Ep. 2

In the second episode of Heart-to-Heart Conversations, Cardinal Goh addresses pivotal topics shaping the future of the Catholic community, encompassing faith formation for all ages, community engagement, and the contemporary challenges confronting believers in today's utilitarian world. Throughout the discussion, Cardinal Goh underscores the importance of mentorship, community support, and the enduring richness of Catholic tradition as essential pillars for navigating the complexities of modern-day faith.

For more, visit https://www.catholic.sg/heart-to-heart/

00:00 Gerald's anecdote with Cardinal William Goh during World Youth Day 2017
01:31 Opening prayer
03:24 Theme 1: The Challenge of Catechesis
04:52 What is your fondest memory of Catechism class?
06:43 How can we move towards a more family-oriented catechesis? And how can we also keep in mind that adult faith formation is also important?
13:29 What do youths truly need to foster their faith?
17:58 Challenges in putting together a Catechetical programme that focuses on personal encounters, content and praxis
22:37 Do Catechism methods need to evolve for a new generation which is wired for AI and the digital age?
25:55 Theme 2: Formation for Vocation
27:40 Who has or had the biggest impact on your vocation discernment so far?
32:35 What is the root problem of the declining number of religious and young faithful?
39:26 How can the Church support young people in conquering their fears of getting married or building a family?
42:37 Should the Church help young singles find spouses?
46:11 How can I help fellow Catholics, who have been hurt or scandalised, to join the initiatives or programmes organised by the Church?
49:16 Theme 3: Standing in the Gap
50:54 What do you like most about being Catholic?
54:27 In a world where the notions of gender and sexual orientation are becoming more fluid, how do I abide by the Church's teachings on sexuality without appearing insensitive towards LGBTQ+ communities?
58:21 Advice for parents with children in secular environments
1:00:24 Difficulty in finding Catholic friends
1:01:13 How do Catholics navigate an increasingly diverse and polarised world?
1:04:10 How can the Church fight the world's utilitarian mindset, specifically on IVF, egg freezing and genetic selection?
1:06:38 How do Catholics bring hope to those who are raised in an utilitarian or secular environment?
1:13:10 Theme 4: Church of the Future
1:14:26 How have you encountered Jesus so far, this week?
1:17:35 How do we journey with youth who are highly reliant and dependent on social media?
1:24:25 What are your (His Eminence’s) biggest concerns regarding the engagement of young Catholics in the Church? How can young Catholics strengthen their own faith and build vibrant Catholic communities, especially in the context of parishes?
1:29:00 How can young people be of service to the world, where many social services are already provided by the government or by other NGOs?
1:32:19 Cancel culture: How do we navigate situations when being right seems more important than being kind?
1:36:23 Closing remarks by Gerald
1:36:52 Closing remarks by Cardinal William Goh
1:38:50 Resources
1:39:08 Closing prayer

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• Production and Webcasting by staff of the Communications Office, Archbishop's Office, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore
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