Was there ever a Scottish IRA? | Scotland's Paramilitaries (1969-2014)

Описание к видео Was there ever a Scottish IRA? | Scotland's Paramilitaries (1969-2014)

Northern Ireland was, and to an extent, still is famous for its paramilitary organisations. Republican paramilitaries like the IRA, and their Unionist or Loyalist counterparts the UDA and the UVF were infamous for their attacks in Northern Ireland and abroad. In Scotland, there was remarkably little violence during the period of the Troubles, and no real groundswell of support emerged for creating their own armed organisations. Having said that, there were some attempts to set up Scottish Nationalist militias determined to achieve Scotland's independence.

00:00-01:00 - Intro
01:00-02:30 - The Troubles in Scotland
02:30-05:45 - Why didn't the IRA attack Scotland?
05:45-08:00 - The 1320 Club (Army of the Provisional Government)
08:00-10:00 - The Scottish National Liberation Army
10:00-12:00 - Sìol nan Gàidheal
12:00-13:12 - Outro

Music Used:
Hiding Your Reality - Kevin MacLeod
Sunday Dub - Kevin MacLeod

Raid the Merch Market!

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