Frisky taking a walk with his wheelchair

Описание к видео Frisky taking a walk with his wheelchair

Here is Frisky, our 11 1/2 year old German Shepard, out for a walk in his "Best Friend Mobility Large Dog Wheelchair". Frisky suffered from degenerative myelopathy, which by this point has made walking for him very difficult. He got around, but it was a struggle for him. The wheelchair supports his back end and allows him to go on relatively long walks. By the way, I am aware that in this video the shoulder harness was put on upside-down, and one of the four straps supporting the back end had come undone. Despite all this Frisky managed to take a nice walk. A few months after this video was taken we had to put him down, as the disease had progressed further and he was pretty much immobile. He is missed.


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