Описание к видео 2019 iMac MEGA UPGRADE!

So this nearly ended badly! DON'T do it! I got a great deal on a nearly new 2019 imac (base model) which a friend had sent away for repair. Unfortunately because of the lockdown period, he was unable to get a repair on this mac for several months, so rather than be without a machine he purchased another.
After eventually being repaired he offered me the iMac for a very reasonable £1000. I then got the idea that I should max out this machine as I did previously with the 2015 iMac.
However there is always a risk of damaging irreparably the machine in the process, which I very nearly did!

The process was nearly identical to the late 2015 upgrade with only some very small differences in the internal components. The screen adhesive is also slightly different so make sure to get the right ones for this 2019 model.

So on for the upgrade I installed Intel i9 9900KF processor, these do not have the integrated graphics and are the same chips as used in the genuine i9 iMacs of this generation. There is some evidence they run cooler which given the cooling on the iMac is quite compact, thats defiantly a good thing.
More on that in this article here:

For storage I opted for a 1TB Western digital NVME drive and a Crucial 2TB SSD. Very impressed with the performance of the WD Black drives, and on this model they do not prevent the hibernate feature from working which is a bonus.

0:00 Introduction
1:32 The Plan
4:34 Start the Time Laps - Screen off
4:44 Screen off, Overview of the inside
6:44 Logic board out
8:19 Board Upgrade
9:42 Install the new stuff!
11:02 Disaster!
11:38 Bending pins
12:05 Fixed but that was horrible!
13:35 Re-assembly
13:43 NVME adapter why use tape?
16:37 SSD adapter assembly
17:18 Reassembly
17:53 Reassembly progress comment
18:51 ITS ALIVE!!
20:26 MacOS install Time Laps
20:39 Performance tests
21:30 Post upgrade results
22:22 What did it cost vs Apple
28:28 Alternatives to doing this yourself
30:28 Thanks for watching
30:50 Screen adhesive
31:26 Remember to Like!
32:59 Side by side comparison before and after


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