TEDx - Ideas Impacting the World - TEDGlobal 2011 Presentation

Описание к видео TEDx - Ideas Impacting the World - TEDGlobal 2011 Presentation

TEDx Organizers from all over the world -- Brazil, Canada, the United
States, South Africa, Lebanon, South Korea, The Netherlands, Germany,
Kenya, China and Taiwan -- speak to their experience actualizing a
TEDx event, and the impact it has had on them, and their community.

From TEDx Director Lara Stein, "The mission of TEDx is to spread great
ideas across the globe and tap into local voices within local
communities and give them a platform."

Directed by Wondros

Portuguese (Portugal): Mia Martin
Polish: Krystian Aparta
Indonesian: Wahyu Perdana Yudistiawan
Japanese: Yasushi Aoki
Spanish: Andrea Pisera & Gabriela Press


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