City of Lizard People Beneath Los Angeles

Описание к видео City of Lizard People Beneath Los Angeles

I cover this tale in the 2nd installment of my Detours Into the Paranormal series:

In 1933, a geophysicist and mining engineer named George
Warren Shufelt learned of a Hopi legend of a race of people—
called the Lizard People—who built a massive underground city
beneath the city of Los Angeles from and elder tribesman named
Chief Green Leaf. Using an “x-ray machine,” Shufelt verified the
existence of the city and began drilling operations to get boots on
the ground in L.A.’s catacombs. Jean Bosquet wrote an article for the Los Angeles Times
titled “Lizard People’s Catacomb City Hunted: Engineer Sinks
Shaft Under Fort Moore Hill to Find Maze of Tunnels and Priceless
Treasures of Legendary Inhabitants,” that chronicled the tale. The
piece appeared in the January 29, 1934 issue, and is often cited
by those who believe that our planet has been infiltrated by an evil
race of reptile-like beings


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