Water and Kidney Disease: Lead Levels In Drinking Water Worsening Kidney Disease, Water and CKD

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Drinking plenty of water is often recommended for healthy individuals, even kidney disease patients. Although, lead levels are extremely important when it comes to these kidney patients. Low levels of lead in drinking water allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can highly affect the health of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Low levels of heavy metal contamination remain ubiquitous in the United States, including lead, cadmium, mercury, and others. Given the importance of renal function in heavy metal excretion, better understanding the hazard of such exposure for those with CKD is of great public health problem. Data coming from the US Renal Data mentioned that the lead levels in the water had something to do with a patient’s hemoglobin levels. Each 0.01 mg/L increase in 90th percentile water lead was significantly associated with 0.02 g/dL lower hemoglobin level and 0.4% increase in ESA use in adjusted analyses.

The investigators observed these associations at lead levels below the EPA’s threshold that mandates regulatory action. Lead toxicity has been linked to neurologic conditions, cardiovascular conditions, and endocrine complications. Many doctors and researchers concluded that greater efforts to improve the water system infrastructure may be needed to protect individuals with chronic kidney disease. They also mentioned broader concerns about the aging water system infrastructure in the United States. “The full extent of lead contamination is unknown, in part due to large numbers of lead lines that remain in service and older household plumbing”.

All in all, Robert recommends straying away from water that contains high lead levels, due to the many studies against it and how it could complicate things for your kidney and hemoglobin levels. Thus, straying away from high lead level water, it is also important to stay well hydrated for that is very important for any healthy individual. Of course, for any questions regarding your water intake or if your water has lead, it is important to talk to your doctor or professional.

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