सुपर गोल्डन सीताफल की खेती से किसान मालामाल||NMK 1 Golden custard apple Farming in india

Описание к видео सुपर गोल्डन सीताफल की खेती से किसान मालामाल||NMK 1 Golden custard apple Farming in india

सुपर गोल्डन सीताफल की खेती से किसान मालामाल_NMK 1 Golden custard apple Farming in india
#GoldenCustardApple #CustardAppleFarming #indiasfarming

यदि आपको ये वीडियो पसंद आये तो इसे like करे और अपने मित्रो के साथ शेयर भी करे ताकि दूसरे किसान भी इन ideas को उपयोग कर लाभ ले सके और दोस्तों आप यदि खेती किसानी के कामों से जुड़े हुए हो तो हमारे चैनल को subscribe करना न भूले क्यों की मैं यहाँ कृषि और किसानो से जुड़े वीडियो अपलोड करता रहता हूँ|

Custard apple and its health benefits

Custard apples contain anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, which helps to fight free radicalsin our body. It is also high in potassium and magnesium that protects our heartfrom cardiac disease.
Not only that, it also controls ourblood pressure. Custard apples contain Vitamin A, which keeps your skin and hairhealthy. This fruit is also known to be great for eyes, and cures indigestionproblems. It’s important to include this fruit in your diet, as the coppercontent helps to cure constipation, and helps to treat diarrhoea anddysentery.
As they are high in magnesium, they equalise the water balance in our body, which helps in removing acids from the joints and reducesthe symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. If you feel tired and weak more often than usual, then have this fruit in your daily diet, as the potassium present init will help to fight muscle weakness.
It is also good for peoplesuffering from anaemia, as it this fruit is high in calorie. And if you want toput on some weight, include this in your daily diet chart. Custard apple contains natural sugar, and hence make great nutritious snacks and even desserts!
Other health benefits of Custard Apple
The fruit is an excellent source of vitamin B6, a nutrient which plays an essential role in the creation of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine. Taking an adequate amount of this nutrient can help to regulate your mood and reduce the risk of depression.
Custard Apple contains compounds like catechin, epicatechin, and epigallocatechin. Some of these are known to prevent the growth of cancer cells.
Loaded with Vitamin C, the fruit can boost immunity by fighting foreign pathogens that enter the body.
Custard Apple also helps to reduce inflammation in the body. It contains several anti-inflammatory compounds, which have shown to reduce inflammatory proteins in animal studies.
160 grams of Custard Apple contains:
Calories: 120 K
Protein: 2.51 grams
Carbohydrate: 28.34 grams
Calcium: 16 mg
Iron: 0.43 mg
Magnesium: 27 mg
Phosphorus: 42 mg
Potassium: 459 mg
Zinc: 0.26 mg
The bottom line
You can add Custard Apple in your diet in multiple ways. Mix them into yogurt or oatmeal or add in your glass of smoothie. The fruit can be kept in the fridge for up to three days.
Remember that Custard Apple contains a small amount of toxic compound, which is generally present in the skin and seeds. So, peel off the skin and remove the seeds before eating the fruit.


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