Andamooka: Can’t get enough of the place!

Описание к видео Andamooka: Can’t get enough of the place!

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all well! In this video I had to go back for my vehicle so I made the most of the trip and tried to show some of the opal, and where possible make it available. All prices were to be the “take it or leave it” price that consisted of what the miner would like + postage, although the expensive opals remain unsold, your response to them was awesome. I will do similar where I can on future trips as some of the opals would remain unseen by us all and unavailable unless you’re in town, so if you experience “opal fever” like I do it’ll be something to look forward to. Next video will be my “thankyou” video, for reaching 500 subscribers, but, in advance, thankyou all for being part of this channel. 🤪👍


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