Ranca Upas, Secret Escape To Nature

Описание к видео Ranca Upas, Secret Escape To Nature

Tenang dan sejuk, inilah yang akan Anda dapatkan ketika mengunjungi camping ground Ranca Upas di Ciwidey, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Letaknya sekitar 50 kilometer dari jantung kota, di antara pesona memikat yang banyak menarik wisatawan adalah matahari terbit yang diselimuti kabut, berada di ketinggian sekitar 1.700 meter di atas permukaan laut suasana pagi terasa magis, setiap sudut serasa diselimuti kabut dengan udara yang cukup dingin.
Quiet and cool, this is what you will get when visiting the Ranca Upas camping ground in Ciwidey, Bandung, West Java. It is located about 50 kilometers from the heart of the city, among compelling charms that attract many tourists is the sunrise shrouded in fog, located at an altitude about 1,700meters above sea level the morning atmosphere feels magical, every corner seemed to be shrouded in mist with fairly cold air.
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