Underventilated Compartment Fire Dynamics | 火凤凰大讲堂学术讲座

Описание к видео Underventilated Compartment Fire Dynamics | 火凤凰大讲堂学术讲座

Title:Underventilated Compartment Fire Dynamics | 火凤凰大讲堂学术讲座
Time:December 9, 2024 10:00(Beijing)

个人简介 | Biography:Dr. Ricky Carvel is Assistant Director of Learning and Teaching and Senior Lecturer in Fire Dynamics in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. He is editor of the ‘Handbook of Tunnel Fire Safety’ and was associate editor of Fire Safety Journal (2009-2015). He has been working in the field of fire science and engineering for over 25 years. In 2018 he was awarded the ISTSS Achievement Award for his work in tunnel fire safety. His research work is focussed on the interaction between fires, ventilation and water sprays in both tunnels and buildings.

报告摘要 | Abstract:This presentation gives an overview of research into underventilated compartment fire dynamics at the University of Edinburgh over the past decade. It will discuss backdraught, ceiling-vented compartment fires, and considerations for fighting fires in compartments with limited ventilation. It is shown that for solid fuels there is a minimum compartment temperature below which backdraught cannot occur; the critical temperature varies from fuel to fuel and is lower when a pilot source is present. Fire behaviour in compartments where there is an opening in one of the walls is well documented in the literature. Some initial research investigating the use of an ultra high pressure lance for underventilated compartment fires is presented.


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