The Church of England crosses a rubicon - with Dr Peter Jensen

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The Anglican Communion has been plunged into crisis by a decision by the English General Synod.

The Church of England official media release says “The Church of England’s General Synod has welcomed proposals which would enable same-sex couples to come to church after a civil marriage or civil partnership to give thanks, dedicate their relationship to God and receive God’s blessing.”

The House of Bishops took a proposal to bless same sex marriages in church to the English general synod last week, in an initiative led by the Bishop of London, the Bishop of York and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

And yet what do the words in the synod resolution actually mean?

Dr Peter Jensen is the former general secretary of the Gafcon movement and former Archbishop of Sydney.

Church of England Media Statement
Archbishop of Canterbury speech to the Anglican Consultative Council


The Pastor’s Heart coverage of Gafcon is brought to you by Anglican Aid. Anglican Aid is the aid, development and ministry support agency of Sydney Anglicans in partnership with the global church. We long to see the grace of God overflow to a world in need.
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