Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the Creation of a Media Phenomenon

Описание к видео Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the Creation of a Media Phenomenon

Martin Luther did more than just serve as a catalyst for the Reformation. By nailing his 95 theses to the door of a Wittenberg, Germany, church in 1517, he became the world's first mass media figure and launched a new form of theological writing, argues University of St. Andrews Professor Andrew Pettegree.

Andrew Pettegree is Professor Modern History at the University of St Andrews, and director of the Universal Short Title Catalogue. He is the author of a number of books on the Reformation and, more recently, the history of communication, including Reformation and the Culture of Communication, The Book in the Renaissance, and The Invention of News. In 2015, The Invention of News won the Goldsmith Prize of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

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