Demand Forecasting | Techniques of Demand Forecasting

Описание к видео Demand Forecasting | Techniques of Demand Forecasting

Managerial Economics; Management;

Demand Forecasting | Techniques of Demand Forecasting;

Introduction 00:00:00- 00:00:40

Demand Forecast 00:00:41- 00:02:15
*What is meant by demand forecasting?
*The importance of demand forecast

How to Forecast Demand? 00:02:16- 00:23:16
*Various steps for demand forecasting
*Techniques of demand forecasting
Survey methods: - consumer survey and opinion poll
Statistical methods:- trend method, barometric projection and econometric method
*Different subcategories under these methods
*How to conduct ‘market studies and experiment’ (opinion poll method)?

Conclusion 00:23:18- 00:23:27

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