my 2024 Hoyas | growth update & some ALREADY bloomed?! + problematic plants

Описание к видео my 2024 Hoyas | growth update & some ALREADY bloomed?! + problematic plants

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Hello everyone! Today we are taking a small break from cleaning up my Hoya collection - there is PLENTY of work to be done there still. Instead, I decided to update you on some of my 2024 Hoyas that I got - how they are doing, how much they have grown (or not), if some of them are problematic plants and to show you several that have bloomed and are STUNNING! I hope you enjoy the update!
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00:00 groundbreaking.
08:16 these Hoyas already bloomed!
17:12 problematic children
23:06 I ADORE this small leaved Hoya
24:25 these have kept me on my toes.
27:55 can I even bloom these?!
31:57 Hoya undulata is easy.
35:12 I searched for YEARS for these two Hoyas
40:35 you need a magnifying glass for this one
42:29 favorites from lanceolata group?
44:59 a brief update on most recent Hoyas
48:36 hair.

   • A chaotic start to getting my Hoya co...  
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