Navapashanam ‘live’ Energy Test

Описание к видео Navapashanam ‘live’ Energy Test

Navapashanam– Universe's Most Acclaimed and Closely Guarded 'Elixir of Life' & 'Fountain of Youth' Ever Known to Mankind

Throughout history, mankind have searched for what is called the 'Elixir of Life' or ‘Fountain of Youth’. Some thought the Fountain of Youth to be real, others thought the Fountain of Youth to be mythical and others thought those who searched for a Fountain of Youth were crazy. 

Efforts to combat aging and extend human life date at least as far back as 3500 B.C., and self-proclaimed experts have touted anti-aging elixirs ever since. Indeed, the prospect of immortality has always had universal appeal, spurring Alexander the Great and Ponce de León to search for the legendary Fountain of Youth. The concept of a fountain of youth began with the stories in the Old Testament of a River of Immortality that flowed out of the Garden of Eden.

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