(Mastering JMP) Process Optimization Using DoE and Design Space Profiler in JMP

Описание к видео (Mastering JMP) Process Optimization Using DoE and Design Space Profiler in JMP

See how to describe the goal, specify effects for an assumed model, generate a design, collect experimental run data, create, and fit a model incorporating experimental data, and use factors to optimize and improve settings. With Design Space Profiler, interactively find limit of failure regions (operational ranges) inside the factor space where the model(s) predict that the response(s) will be within specification.

Version Française: https://bit.ly/42WTLAk
Versione Italiana: https://bit.ly/3NMKEy9
Deutsche Version: https://bit.ly/42Y18I2

00:00 Introduction
02:50 Examining Data Used in Experiment Case Study
09:20 Examining Experiment Design Possibilities
12:13 Summarizing Results of Creating Definitive Screening Design (DSD) and Profiling Design Space
15:20 Creating DSD and Interpreting Results
21:21 Fitting and Interpreting Statistical Model to Design Factors using Effective Model Selection for DSD Methodology
23:25 Using Design Space Profile to Determine Factor Settings Necessary to Keep Process within Spec Limits

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