[MV] Drug Restaurant(드럭 레스토랑) _ Mistake

Описание к видео [MV] Drug Restaurant(드럭 레스토랑) _ Mistake

[MV] Drug Restaurant(드럭 레스토랑) _ Mistake

Hello, this is 1theK. We are working on subtitles now!
Please come back and watch it again within a few hours.
Thank you for your waiting and continuing interest :)

In hopes of becoming a healing escape route for everyone worn out by the society... In hopes of becoming remedies that work better than the ones served at pharmacies... And in hopes of becoming a real team rather than a band led by one lead man, JJY BAND has changed its name to Drug Restaurant.
While the first album and track by JJY BAND "OMG" released last year had a heavy, hard-rock vibe to it, Drug Restaurant's first new single album will feature more synth sounds, though still based on the same garage feel. With a more sophisticated and edgy electronic sound in the mix, Drug Restaurant's latest track is upbeat and easy to listen to. All members of the band participated in composing, wording, and performing the song, sharing with the listeners their personal stories and feelings.

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▶1theK TW :   / 1thek  
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私たちの音楽が社会に疲れた人々のための‘癒し’と‘脱出’になるように。薬局の薬よりももっと快適な処方のために。そして、たった一人、フロントマン中心のチームではなく、バンド全体のために‘チョン・ジュニョンバンド’から‘Drug Restaurant(ドラッグレストラン)’にバンド名を変えた。
昨年リリースしたチョン・ジュニョンバンドの1stアルバム『逸脱茶飯事』は、厚いハードロック的な要素があったが、Drug Restaurantとしてリリースする今回の1stシングルアルバムは、同じガレージサウンドをベースにシンセ的な要素をさらに浮き彫りにした。より洗練されたシャープなエレクトロニックサウンドを取り入れることで、より楽しく簡単にリスナーに近付くことができるように努力し、メンバー全員が作詞・作曲・演奏に参加、メンバーたちの話を多様に表現した

우리의 음악이 사회에 찌든 사람들을 위한 '치유'와 '탈출'이 되길 바라며. 약국의 약보다 더 쾌적한 처방을 위해. 그리고 단 한 사람, 프론트맨 중심의 팀이 아닌 밴드 전체를 위해 정준영 밴드에서 'Drug Restaurant(드럭 레스토랑)'로 밴드명을 변경했다.

지난해 발매한 정준영 밴드 1집 ‘일탈다반사’는 두터운 하드록적인 요소가 있었다면, Drug Restaurant로서 발매하는 이번 첫 싱글 앨범은 동일한 개러지 사운드를 기반으로 신스적인 요소를 더욱 부각시켰다. 보다 세련되고 날카로운 일렉트로닉 사운드를 넣음으로써 더욱 신나고 쉽게 대중들에게 다가갈 수 있도록 노력했으며, 전 멤버가 직접 작사, 작곡, 연주에 참여하며 멤버들의 이야기를 다양하게 풀어냈다.


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