Aliens Infestation #2 - Save the female space marines! (The Gaming Ground)

Описание к видео Aliens Infestation #2 - Save the female space marines! (The Gaming Ground)

The more i play Aliens Infestation. The more i like it. And it´s actually quite creepy as well (i play it in a very dark room). But that´s exactly how a Aliens game should be.

And the music are really scary as well. So i have to say that Wayforward really nailed the Aliens feeling in Infestation.

I just wish that i had picked up this game way back in 2011. But for some odd reason. There was no commercial ads or such for the game in Sweden (at least i have no memory of it).

Anyhow, in part II i finally face the Xenomorphs (aliens). And, well. Let´s just say that things went from bad to worse in the blink of an eye.

Gameplay - Robin "V-Act"
Produced and directed by - Robin "V-Act"
Aliens: Infestation - Wayforward and Nintendo

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About Aliens: Infestation:
Game over man, game over! Immerse yourself in the Aliens universe on Nintendo DS in this action-packed, platform shooter with a hardcore, retro feel and a deep storyline that tailors itself to your game.

Lead your own specially selected team of Colonial Marines into action to rescue captured comrades and battle hordes of Xenomorphs with a vast array of weaponry from the legendary Aliens film title. Can you handle the tension and terror which meets you at every level?

The Aliens universe provides a setting full of horror, suspense and action. Using authentic environments inspired by the film series including the Sulaco and LV-426, the player will be immersed in an eerie, atmospheric world where any moment could bring their death.
Wield authentic weapons from the films, including the pulse rifle, smart gun, flamethrower and more. Use cover and blindfire to outshoot Xenos or sneak through the Sulaco in stealth missions - but watch out for Xenos lurking in the dark.
Recruit up to twenty individual Colonial Marines with distinct personalities, each designed by famed comic artist Chris Bachalo. Race to rescue captured comrades in five realtime minutes before they are implanted with Xenos.
Storyline and dialogue will change depending on who you have chosen for your team. Who will be able to stand up to the Xeno horde - and who will be dragged away to the hive?
Aliens: Infestation features 2D side-scrolling gameplay in the style of Metroid or Castlevania with an arcade, retro feel. This couples with a deep combat system and extensive narrative to make this the ultimate in fan-service.


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