A320 ENGINE BATTLE! CFM56 vs IAE V2500 vs PW1100G! Choose Your Favorite!

Описание к видео A320 ENGINE BATTLE! CFM56 vs IAE V2500 vs PW1100G! Choose Your Favorite!

The CFM56 makes a really nice spool up, as well as a very distinctive roar, while the mighty IAE is screaming at the top of its lungs, letting everyone around it know that it's ready for takeoff, followed by a loud and clear roar as the A320 rolls down the runway! The PW1100G might not sound all that impressive, but its revolutionary geared fan has proved its extreme reliability (not), low noise levels, and fuel efficiency. Choose your favorite!

Infinite Flight Callsign: FS
Soundcloud:   / flyingminer  
Twitter:   / airborneminer  
Instagram:   / amir_a757  
Flight Diary: https://my.flightradar24.com/FlyingSp...
Twitch:   / flightflims  
Sparta Remix Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB5w...
Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIlk...
Xbox: AlienTub548018
PS4: Nerfolego
Steam: Vitaly Ivanov
Discord: FlightFilms#6969

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