2024B GN Race 18: Darlington 175

Описание к видео 2024B GN Race 18: Darlington 175

The 2024B Elite Rebilas Photo Grand National Series heads to Darlington to pick itself a champion of the 2024B season.

Tune in for Chris Wright, Josh Adams on the call and Carlos Acosta on the production!

Thank you to our 2024B Premier Sponsors:
Blue Egg Marketing - https://www.blueeggmarketing.com/
World Wide Technology Raceway - https://wwtraceway.com/
4D Racewear - https://4dracewear.com/
Whiplash Cameras

Big Rock - Take the Lead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...


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