Nate Champion Stadium (15K) but I can't use Fairy Type Sync Pairs - Pokémon Masters EX

Описание к видео Nate Champion Stadium (15K) but I can't use Fairy Type Sync Pairs - Pokémon Masters EX

Back on the Pasio Special Stadium grind it seems. The perameters were very kind this time around, Round 2 can be abused very easily on Bruno and Hala. As for my team methodology, going to be honest but I've been feeling a tad burned out on CS clears lately, been lacking interesting team ideas. Good thing we got LG coming this datamine, pls no Moltres.

My rules for this challenge were simple: Don't use any Fairy Type Sync Pairs. This means that I can't use any Sync Pairs classified as Fairy Type, simple enough. There are Pokemon which may be Fairy Type in the main series but have different Sync Pair typing in Masters EX. This is based on the Sync Move type. VERY applicable rule to today's episode haha. Gladion & Silvally is also disallowed from partaking in the challenge.

0:00 Danger Walkies
2:08 NC Foreshadowing???!
3:50 Tapu Time
6:40 Steel Smackdown
9:40 Sun and Moon and moon

Round 1: Bruno (Johto)
Parameter: Physical shield
Getting the mandatory no WTZ clear out of the way first. Gloria having Play Rough was a sequel to Lisia having Moonblast postsync which was a sequel to DPS Lillie which... yeah Fairy was a infamously troubled type back in the 1st year of the game. You can humor Play Rough but it needs significant help which is why SC Steven is here to help, he's one of the best enablers for Physical DPS. I brought Hop to max crit plus this way we have a triple doggo team. Not much to be said besides the team's second Sync basically only existing for a Sync buff, they crushed this 2020 stage with ease.

Round 2: Drasna
Parameter: Special Attacks boosted
Previously showcased a SS Steven nuke team for the Hoenn video but now I have Anni May to more-or-less complete the theme team. If SS Brendan buffed Physical defence this would've been pure cheese on Hala but alas he does not so Drasna it was. I had to be careful of the cycle and SS Brendan's living time. This team can either be played for Anni May's nuke (for longer battles) or the eviler option in Steven's nuke. Near Brainlessly played.

Round 3: Hala
Parameter: Stat drops on faint
Another previous team coming back, I last showcased this little over a year ago. SS Lana's Moonblast is still very strange, without SS Acerola she cannot max crit, without SS Mina you cannot extend Fairy Zone, without SS Hau you must Sync with Mina otherwise you lose Fairy Zone which is a huge boon for your damage, your better off with B-Psycho Cutter under any other circumstances. Even with 3/4 Tapus humoring Moonblast is SS Lana's hard mode under 3,000 point stage like this. Another team where I wasn't sure what I would even Sync with because it's standard move reliant. Funny to defeat Hala with Alola's youth like this.

Round 4: Sidney
Parameter: Stat Drops Boosted
Tried very hard to make a team of Variety Guzma and Ghetsis work here but after an hour of trying Variety Guzma couldn't cut it, maybe another time. So instead let's do a flinch spam clear for time's sake. Rose instantly deletes the sides while SC Selene is focused on making a single target flinch to stall for turns, put two and two together and you get a very funny team which can nail the center into the ground. The main quirk of it is you want to have the sides gone before the center is able to use an item then Sync, fun fact this stage does not do this, instead going for a Thunder Wave you can intercept. I brought Registeel as the 3rd, it's a decent theme skill booster and speed buffer as shown previously.

Round 5: Nate
Parameter: Faster Gauge + Special Moves Up
And we end a 3rd coverage move team, can you really blame me for taking advantage of it? Okay there's a bit more to it than that. Nate requires an Interference condition or else he takes 50% less damage (some extreme battle gimmicks and even used by Argenta but 90% reduction). The obvious intent is to bring rebuff but thankfully any interference works. He's also packing the wack +2 evasion and some bs damage multipliers, par for the course for these NC fights but seeing this guy in rally in the future won't be fun. My counter for the gimmick was Variety Elio, he drops Attack and Special Defence very fast and easily applies confusion when it connects, plus he has Support EX Role. Anni Lillie is still a decent striker but she's falling off in the modern era, but her Super Effective Up and instant set-up still do alright Vs some stages. SS Dawn was obtained with Anni May, she's a bit limited in her capabilities at 2/5 but Sprint EX does a lot for her. Also, Double Moonblast meme stonks. I still had to get a really good rotation where Dawn doesn't get instantly destroyed by Dragon Pulse or something but it was a satsifying clear once it played out correctly, sidemons begone.


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