Bach Under The Stars: Air on the G String BWV 1068 Voices of Music

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Air on the G String: Bach's timeless work, performed on original instruments by San Francisco Early Music Ensemble Voices of Music and accompanied by a montage of the most beautiful images of deep space.
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Featuring Elizabeth Blumenstock and Katherine Kyme, baroque violins; Lisa Grodin, baroque viola, Joanna Blendulf, baroque cello; William Skeen, violone; Hanneke van Proosdij, chamber organ; David Tayler, theorbo.
Every effort has been made to recreate the original ensemble that performed this piece. This includes using the original violins, viola, cello, baroque organ with German style pipes and wind chest, as well as the strings and baroque bows. A characteristic pitch of 415.3 Hz was chosen which is lower than the modern Concert pitch of 440Hz. This pitch favors the colors of the baroque strings and Continuo. Bowing patterns, articulation, trills and ornamentation are all based on German baroque performance practice.


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