trinities 364 - The God who Suffers - a Response to The Reluctant Theologian Podcast 118 Why di…

Описание к видео trinities 364 - The God who Suffers - a Response to The Reluctant Theologian Podcast 118 Why di… In a thought-provoking recent episode released before this Easter, analytic theologian Dr. R.T. Mullins suggested three reasons God would have to become incarnate, building on work by Swinburne and McConnell.

The one he focuses the most on in the idea that God would be obligated to become incarnate so that he can suffer along with us, his beloved creatures.

In this episode I evaluate those three reasons using Scripture and reason. I argue that we can have the theological goods Dr. Mullins wants at a better price.

Which case did you find more convincing, and why?

Links for this episode @

Dr. Mullins’s website

The Reluctant Theologian Podcast Ep. 118. Why Did God Become Incarnate?

The Reluctant Theologian Podcast

his publications

Richard Swinburne @ trinities

Swinburne, The Resurrection of God Incarnate

Swinburne, Was Jesus God?

Francis J. McConnell, The Diviner Immanence

three–self Trinity theories

one–self Trinity theories

podcast 226 – Biblical Words for God and for his Son Part 3 – post-biblical uses of biblical words, and new words

podcast 225 – Biblical Words for God and for his Son Part 2 – Old “Lord” vs. New “Lord”

podcast 224 – Biblical Words for God and for his Son Part 1 – God and “God” in the Bible

podcast 277 – Was Christ tempted in every way?


podcast 344 – Craig’s Contradictory Christ – Part 2

podcast 343 – Craig’s Contradictory Christ – Part 1

“What John 1 Meant”

a reading of Philippians 2:5-11

podcast 264 – Tuggy vs. Date debate – Jesus is human and not divine – Part 2

podcast 263 – Tuggy vs. Date debate – Jesus is human and not divine – Part 1

podcast 323 – Did God die on the cross?

podcast 333 – The Arguments of “God’s Death”

podcast 146 – Jesus as an Exemplar of Faith in the New Testament

“Jesus as an exemplar of faith in the New Testament”

podcast 145 – ‘Tis Mystery All: the Immortal dies!

John 1:1-14; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 12:2; Revelation 5:1-14; Romans 5:1-10; Hebrews 2:17; John 3:34; Philippians 2:6-10; 1 Corinthians 15:12-58; Colossians 1:18; Revelation 1:5; Isaiah 41:8; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 5:1-10; Matthew 10:29; Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Romans 1:18-32; Revelation 5:9; Ephesians 3:12; John 8:40; John 1:29.

This week’s thinking music is “What’s on my Mind” by Ivan Chew.

Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.

This week's thinking music is "What's on my Mind" by Ivan Chew.


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