Creating Legends & Leaders | Dr. Sulaiman Melpathur

Описание к видео Creating Legends & Leaders | Dr. Sulaiman Melpathur

#Maulana Mohammad Ali #Jauhar - A Man who chose Pen above the Sword - was a great Leader in the Indian History and was among the passionate fighters of independence who struggled against the British Colonial Powers.

Despite the early death of his father, Jauhar attended Aligarh Muslim University and, in 1898, Lincoln College, #Oxford, studying modern history. He excelled in formal education and at the same time, embedded with the spiritual values & insights throughout life.

Despite his failing health, he wanted to attend the first Round Table Conference held in #London. Reportedly his words to the British government were that he would not return to India alive unless the country was set free, "I would prefer to die in a foreign country so long as it is a free country, and if you do not give us freedom in India, you will have to give me a grave here.!"

Razi International Boys School envisages creating such #Legends & #Leaders to make a better world for future #generations!


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