Greenbush Footage That'll Make You Want to Quit Your Job and Move to Indo

Описание к видео Greenbush Footage That'll Make You Want to Quit Your Job and Move to Indo

Earlier this month, a dark purple blob that's synonymous with big swells marched its way towards Indonesia. Plane tickets were bought, boats loaded and en route surfers started dreaming of that "once in a lifetime" surf strike. But like all swell events, certain spots fired while others were completely void of waves. Personal stories of heartbreak filled our DM's with crews traveling 72 hours in hopes of scoring far away slabs, only to find the swell was too much one direction or another.

But Jyoti Walker and Nick Colbey were two surfers who hit the jackpot. They scoring rather large Greenbush as crews watched from the channel. Click play on the footage above--and try not to feel jealous.


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