How to Deal With Social Anxiety | Overcome Anxiety Tips & Tricks

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In this video, I share with you how you can overcome social anxiety.

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Every time you experience Social anxiety, you create a balloon.

Every time you feel anxious and you let that anxiety stop you from doing what you wanted,

Canceling that event, ignoring that stranger you wanted to talk to etc.

You create a balloon i.e. a reference experience.

If you are a socially anxious person you probably have a lot of these reference experiences. Am I right?

The way they work is they keep you in your place, your comfort zone.

Whenever you want to try something new in a social context your mind will look back at these reference experiences and say,

Nah, remember all the other times you became awkward? You are not the type of person to do it, you have social anxiety and guess what?

If you listen to your mind, you create one more reference experience.

It’s a vicious cycle.

The only way to pop these balloons that your mind have hoarded


change these reference points is

Start acting differently.

Move towards your anxiety.

Do the thing that actually is making you anxious.

Yes, it sounds scary but it’s the only way.

I know you were expecting a quick fix, a way to avoid this but deep down you know this is the only way.

If you get butterflies in the stomach, tightness in your chest doesn’t matter make yourself do it.

You could start small - What’s one little thing you could do?

Maybe talk a little bit louder or go show up to that event you want to cancel.

When you act in spite of it, what will happen afterward is beautiful.

You will realize most people are so caught up in their own world that they don’t actually realize if you come off as a little weird.

You will pop all of the balloons and see your real personality.

Over time, you will see yourself as a confident person and every day for you will be anxiety free :)

Show the anxiety that you are the boss


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