Tr 808 vs Tr 08 - Which is better?

Описание к видео Tr 808 vs Tr 08 - Which is better?

We were lucky enough to get our hands on a classic TR 808 and put it side by side with the new TR-08.
Now before we start a chin stroking drum machine war, let me just say that the original is the original, and no matter how good the remake is there's something magical about this big metal box with it's clunky buttons that seem more at home on a push button telephone from the 80's, rather than a ground breaking, genre spanning rhythm machine.
but the question really has more to do with whether the TR-08 can satisfy your 808 desires, without forking out close to $5000.00AUD for a second hand one!!!
The 808 we had was very well cared for, but it didn't change the fact that it's a VERY old piece of gear, unfortunately drum machines aren't like a stradivarius, they don't exactly get better with age. so there are a some crackly pots and wayward tuning issues, but I wont lie, it was a real buzz hearing an original 808 going through it's paces, and maybe if I had the $$'s I might talk myself into getting one.

The TR-08 definitely held its own though. In reality I could have spent a little more time tuning it to match the 808 (because thankfully you can with this incarnation) but I felt that it definitely possessed the same characteristics of the old classic, and so it should, it's been modeled directly, from what I would assume, is a beautifully cared for original 808 stored deep within the vaults at Roland.
In reality the TR-08 probably sounds like how most of the original 808's sounded straight out of the box.
Before the ravages of time started adding their sonic quirks into the mix. But who knows?

So in closing would I by a TR-08 as an 808 substitute? Damn right I would! It's worth every penny!

But if I win the lottery I'm heading straight to ebay to get me an original too!
Buy now!


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